Moving the Grapes | Vins de Gaillac

Fancy a walk or a picnic in our vineyard ?

Come and enjoy the nature of les Vignals !


Château Les Vignals
81150 Cestayrols
Phone : 06 31 08 28 76 /05 63 55 41 53
Mail : contact@lesvignals.fr

Opening hours:

From May to August:
Monday : 14h-18h
Tuesdays to Fridaysi : 9h-13h and 14h-18h

Attention en juillet et en août ouverture décalée à 10h le vendredi matin (car apéro concert la veille)

Saturday : 10h-12h and 14h-18h
Closed on Sundays and Bank Holidays

From September to April
Monday : 14h-18h
Tuesdays to Fridaysi : 9h-13h and 14h-18h
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays

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